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January 15, 2008


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"...they believe it so intensely..."

Do they indeed, especially the ones with a rich fantasy life.

A few months ago, when I met my in-laws, I told my then-5-year-old nephew about how my youngest dog loved to eat shoes. I then started noticing the expression that shows up on his face when he thinks someone is making fun of him, and I realized that he took my words literally. I clarified what I had meant, which is that my dog loved to CHEW on shoes. I added that I would never make fun of him. Luckily, he forgave me because he still thinks I'm the coolest uncle. Eventually, he'll grow out of it.

That being said, have a good time.

That's so much fun! I love that you're going to mention Sunshine. What are you having them make magic wands out of?

We start with basic dowel rods cut to 12-18" long, then we add bits of every craft supply around. We paint them, we glue on sequins and glitter, we wrap them in ribbons, we attach feathers, etc. I don't plan out exactly what each item is (in the magic sense) in advance - I do well improvising on the spot to tell them that the glitter is pixie dust and the feathers are from an albino gryphon or whatever. Often they will come and tell me what something is, and I need only agree.

The only challenge is that halfway through they will start pointing wands at each other and yelling "Expelliarmus" and such and then I have to make them take their duels into the hallway.

And just imagine the problems you'll have if they work! ;)

It sure takes a lot of energy! I volunteered to help with bead projects for two hours a day at Bucconeer and it became clear soon that that was all I was going to be able to do. It was fun, but the kids really wore me out. At Minicon, I sit in a comfortable chair most of the day, talking to people who pass by, getting them to buy the con t-shirt. That works a lot better.

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