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January 09, 2008


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The play sounds like something that Quentin Tarantino would enjoy making into a movie. That being said, I'm glad that you had a good time. A belated Happy New Year...

RT has in fact been made into a film, though not by Tarantino. You might recognize two of the stars - Christopher Eccleston as Vindici and Eddie Izzard as Lussurioso. I'm told it's excellent, but I haven't seen it. I'm still trying to hold the Red Bull version in my head and am not yet ready to have any other production replace it. Someday, though.

A quick trip to IMdb.com... Yes, there it is. I think I'll ask my wife to put it on her NetFlix queue. Thanks for the tip.

By the way, your description of the play reminded me of the ad campaign used by the Bay Area's Shakespeare Festival about 10 years ago:

"Why go to the movies and be exposed to wanton sex, needless profanity and gratuitous violence? Experience it live!"

Sounds like a great show! How nice that you and your mom see these!

The movie version is now on our NetFlix queue. I notice that it was moved to a post-apocalyptic setting. Speaking of such a change... Did you know that Ridley Scott's Tristan and Isolde originally was going to have a futuristic setting? I remember reading an interview with him circa 1980 and the article showed lots of pre-production designs, all very influenced by Philippe Druillet and Moebius.

I love how Revenger's Tragedy seems to bring out the kink in directors and designers. Back when I was in college, I saw one of the costume department professor's designs for a production some years before that used Jacobean sihouettes, but built the garments themselves out of leather and PVC and plastic, with lots of transparent materials and exposed skin. It looked incredible and I wished I could've seen it in person.

And now I'm struck with the potential of running a double bill of Revenger's Tragedy and Marat/Sade. (Not likely in my blue-collar town, alas.)

I watched the 2002 movie of Revenger's Tragedy on my laptop last night. Eccleston's accent sometimes made it hard to catch the details of what was being said, but I got most of it. Thanks again for the recommendation. Say... Did the movie closely follow the play's plot? I ask because it was nowhere near as bloody as I expected. (That is why I played the DVD on my laptop. My wife, feeling squeamish, decided she prefered watching the Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice on our TV.)

As usual, I have no idea how well the movie followed the play, 'cause I rarely see movies and haven't seen this one, as noted above when I mentioned it.

As noted in the original post, the production I saw was heavily adapted, which is not unusual for period pieces. The movie probably was as well, and differently, but I really have no idea.

Interestingly, the movie kept most of the old language. Some people would find it jarring, set against a very rundown futuristic Liverpool. Me, I liked the contrast.

(By the way, my apologies for asking how faithful to the play the movie had been when you had indeed told me you had not seen it. I may have written that earlier post after a long day of corporate punishment that resulted in tired and/or forgetful brain cells.)

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