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February 20, 2008


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What you said reminds me of myself as I was going thru Elizabeth Peters’s The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog. I kept thinking that the Amelia Peabody mystery series had run out of steam. It’s probably because my reading of it was interrupted a lot, which made it feel very scattered. It was not helped by the setting being the same archeological dig as that of of the first novel and by Amelia having to make her husband fall in love with her all over again because a bop on the head has made him forget the last 10 years of his life. I haven't given up yet, and the next book will hopefully confirm that this was just a case of the author having an off day.


Amelia having to make her husband fall in love with her all over again because a bop on the head has made him forget the last 10 years of his life.

What a colossal idiocy that sounds like; remind me never to read that book. I think I tried one of the early ones in that series and just didn't get into it. Sounds like I've saved myself some later annoyance.

Now if only I could manage to cut off Yarbro like I finally cut off Anne McCaffrey after several Pern books too many!

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