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February 25, 2008


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I'd recommend:

Jo Walton's Ha'penny

Nalo Hopkinson's The New Moon's Arms

Tobias Buckell's Ragamuffin

I've emailed you off-blog...

Well, I haven't read any of the books/stories or seen any of the movies/TV, so I can't help you there. But I'd like to see both Teresa and abi nominated for Fan Writer. If nothing else, there's their work on ML, but they have excellent work in other places, too.

The guy I like best for Pro Artist dropped out last year because he'd won too often, so no use there.

Oh! Ansible for Semiprozine!

I don't have any suggestions, alas, but that's a fun conundrum to have!

Emily: You can have it too - anyone who joins Denvention (2008 World SF Convention) can nominate. You don't even have to go; there's a supporting membership level.

Fragano: thanks for reminding me about Walton's book - that's one I'd read and forgotten was in the proper year for eligibility.

Marilee: I've been nominating Teresa for fan writer for years. And at this point I think Semiprozine should either be abolished or the eligibility of Locus removed on the grounds that it is fully pro, not semi-pro.

My own contribution: I plan to nominate Catherynne Valente's second Orphan's Tales book, In the Cities of Coin and Spice. I nominated the first one last year and it didn't make the ballot, though it did pick up a Tiptree Award.

Since you already know I read this blog, I don't need to offer any suggestions. This is fortunate, as I'm even further behind than you are...

I couldn't find the Buckell at any bookstore within easy range, but I found the Hopkinson and I LOVED it! Thank you for the recommendation!

Dramatic Presentation, Short Form: "Blink," Stephen Moffat. (Doctor Who.)

Oooh, yeah, that one was a standout, wasn't it?

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