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March 31, 2008


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This is marked March 31st, but it just showed up in my friendslist today -- are you backdating? This is me looking at my friend Laurel's OLPC at Minicon last month. I handled the keys well, but it doesn't do enough other things for me.

What are you going to do with the eyeballs? And Johnna's work is very spiffy -- she makes great rockets!


I wrote the post a couple of weeks ago (while I still remembered my weekend) and then held it while waiting from explicit permission from Johnna to post the pictures (she had specified "low res" and since I am Teh Clueless on photo stuff I wasn't sure if I had made them suitably low res). When I got the permission I released the post with the date I originally wrote it, having no notion of how weird that would look on a friendslist. I'm also probably going to cheat by going back and arranging those pictures more aesthetically when I get the chance, so the post will Magically Change at some point.

The owner of the X0 "little green laptop", while aware that it has a ridiculously long expected lifetime, was somewhat disinclined to reduce that lifetime precipitously.

Now, maybe if I owned two of them...

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