Maureen Dowd, in today's New York Times:
Before they devour themselves once more, perhaps the Democrats will take a cue from Dr. Seuss’s “Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!” (The writer once mischievously redid it for his friend Art Buchwald as “Richard M. Nixon Will You Please Go Now!”) They could sing:
“The time has come. The time has come. The time is now. Just go. ... I don’t care how. You can go by foot. You can go by cow. Hillary R. Clinton, will you please go now! You can go on skates. You can go on skis. ... You can go in an old blue shoe.
Just go, go, GO!”
The Editors of the New Haven Advocate beat Dowd to the parody way back on March 13th:
The time has come, We don't care how.
But Hillary Rodham Clinton
Will you please GO NOW!Your campaign is becoming
An endless charade,
So get off the trail,
Burn out now, don't just fade.You can swim down a river
Of crocodile tears.
You can surf on a wave
Of terrorist fears.Enough with the red phone!
Enough with the NAFTA!
If you like,
You can go now by White Water Rafta.Hillary Rodham Clinton,
We don't care how—
Will you please GO NOW!You can leave on McCain's
Straight Talk Express.
You can leave all made up
in a Muslim headdress.Kucinich will take you
On his UFO
But good God, dear Hillary
Just go go, GO!You can ride home on coattails
Or in big biz's pocket.
Or maybe you'd like to
Ride NASA's new rocket.You've raised a gazillion
From execs on Wall Street.
But when it comes to real change,
Barack's got you beat.You can go by limo
Or lobbyist jet.
You can ride an old donkey
Just get, Hillary, GET!Your negative ads
Are bringing us down.
You should get off the air,
You should get outta town!You can go to New York
Or back to The Hill,
But get yourself home
....and don't forget Bill!Hillary Rodham Clinton,
We don't care how—
Will you please GO NOW!
Unfortunately the webbed version doesn't include all the marvelous illustrations that made me hang on to my paper copy.
Maureen Dowd... Bleh!
Posted by: Serge | April 23, 2008 at 05:27 PM
I mean, Dowd is the woman who once wrote, when newspapers printed a photo of Bill and Hillary on the beach, that women over 40 should not walk around in a bathing suit. And didn't she get all aroused when Dubya was strutting around in his flightsuit?
Posted by: Serge | April 23, 2008 at 05:29 PM
When I first saw that headline, I though it was a play on "outsourced" and I had a vision of Horton the Elephant answering the telephone in a little cubicle in a cube-farm in Bangalore. Which must mean that a "Who" is on the line, and the question is, is it the doctor, or Abbot and Costello?
Posted by: Bruce Cohen (SpeakerToManagers) | April 24, 2008 at 03:34 PM
Once there was an elephant
who tried to use the telephant.
No, no! I mean an elephone
who tried to use the telephone.
Oh dear! I am not certain, quite,
that even now I've got it right...
Posted by: Paul A. | April 25, 2008 at 11:53 AM