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April 23, 2008


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Maureen Dowd... Bleh!

I mean, Dowd is the woman who once wrote, when newspapers printed a photo of Bill and Hillary on the beach, that women over 40 should not walk around in a bathing suit. And didn't she get all aroused when Dubya was strutting around in his flightsuit?

When I first saw that headline, I though it was a play on "outsourced" and I had a vision of Horton the Elephant answering the telephone in a little cubicle in a cube-farm in Bangalore. Which must mean that a "Who" is on the line, and the question is, is it the doctor, or Abbot and Costello?

Once there was an elephant
who tried to use the telephant.
No, no! I mean an elephone
who tried to use the telephone.
Oh dear! I am not certain, quite,
that even now I've got it right...

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