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July 22, 2008


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Interesting. I do like telephones, but not cell phones. They oblige a person to use language carefully and not depend on non-verbal cues which I often misunderstand. Thus, I often have much deeper and more profound conversations by telephone than in person. But I know a lot of people who feel as you do.

I do like the sculptures, however.

"Hello? Who? One moment. Dolly, it's for ewe."

(Whoa. That frying pan almsot hit me.)

I remember this from a few years ago, I must admit rather sheepishly.

Baaaaaah, I say to both of you!

I guess we'd better stop cloning around.

I'll ruminant on the prospect.

On the next episode of Doctor Wool, the return of the Maaaaster.

And the Doctor will be on the lamb.

This thread is putting me to sheep.

Tonight, live, the Ramones.

Wether or not anyone says anything, I suspect this flock of puns will continue to grow.

It wool or it won't.

Ewe'll be sorry for that!

This thread is madness! Shear madness!

I do like sheep, which are soft and warm and make appealing noises.

Maybe it was too obvious, but I just realized that this explains some photos I saw that were taken at Boston's worldcon of 2004.

I'm just being a card!

You mean the sheep has been spade?

Meanwhile, Hornblower, captain of the proudest sheep of the fleece...

Spade, spun, spatula'd!

(catching up on some old comments)

The sheep associated with my MCing dates back to one of my very early outings as MC, where I made a topical joke about Dolly the cloned sheep. At the 1997 worldcon, Joni Dashoff and her compatriots made posterboard sheep and poked them out from behind the curtains whenever I wasn't looking. (It's good to have friends. I think.) After that, I gave up and ran with it. The sheep I had on the podium at N4 was a gift from a friend; I added the wings.

It's good to have friends. I think.

You think?
Me, I'm sure of it.

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