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October 01, 2008


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I'd say your blogging is on the right track. Keep blogging!

It's fun to read and post here, or I wouldn't!

Like I told you elsewhere not long ago, some other blogs can be like a big room party at a con. Rixo is more like a few people who just pull chairs closer and chat.

"...I was assured by people like stakebait that I would not have any problem coming up with things to write about..."

That's true. Sometimes I want to post something, but I'm not sure what. Then inspiration strikes, like recently when Agatha the Cat Genius broke my flashlight. I seldom go for long posts, but sometimes there are things that I feel need more space and preparation. (Hopefully, I'll soon finish that entry about novellas, but first I must sort-of help my wife with that fantasy proposal.)

Thanks for putting up that photo gallery.
And my many thanks for Rixo.

Rixo seems like a success to me. Of course, all I have to do is read it, nod my head in admiration and occasionally come up with something smart and interesting to say.

(Kickery is even less work for me; all I have to do is read it and then mutter "I didn't know that")

Great international blogging moments:
Arguing in my own comment thread with a gentleman from Ukraine regarding the pronouncements of an Italian dance scholar. Fortunately Oleksiy speaks adequate English, since I'm certainly not up to conversing in Ukrainian or Russian or even Italian once I got past the actual dance terminology.

(This is on Kickery, obviously, in the comments on the overwhelmingly geeky "lead outsides" post.)

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