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November 25, 2008


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Regency Men's Costume Explored

While the men are still in the costumes?

I haven't been to Darkover since, um, 2002. It's the busiest time of the school term, so I doubt I'll be getting there in at least the next couple of years, although I am kind of tempted to go next year anyway in order to celebrate the tenth anniversary of surviving Darkover '99. I don't think many of my friends go for the full con any more, although I believe some in the area still attend the ball.

I'm interested in hearing about how this bus service (I think you mentioned taking MegaBus this time?) works out for you. My husband travels between NYC-Baltimore sometimes, and I see it also goes from Toronto to Buffalo Airport.

Have fun!

Carol: I will report back on the bus service. With luck, I will do it from the bus.

Serge: I am ignoring you.

Marilee: I will! Any chance you might come up, or is Baltimore just too far for convenient travel?

No chance, I'm afraid. Even if I wasn't going to a close family tomorrow, which will exhaust me, it would be enough driving that I'd need to stay overnight, and that's too expensive. Maybe another year.

If I were taking a car I could come visit you, but bus trips unfortunately preclude side excursions. Ah, well!

So, here I am, blogging from a bus again. I could get used to this. Eastern Shuttle, this time. It showed up a little late (maybe ten minutes), and I only found the stop because there was already a line of people waiting. The wireless obviously works nicely, but there's nowhere to plug in, so I will have to be careful. I should have enough battery charge to get me all the way to Baltimore, but no movie-watching for me! It also seems to block ssh access to my shell accounts, which is rather annoying.

Eastern is not quite as luxurious as the Boltbus, more like a normal sort of intercity bus, and did I mention no outlets? I think this is a Genuine Chinatown Bus, given the ethnicity of the staff and the fact that my wireless node is Dragon-5607.

Current location: cruising down the NJ Turnpike with a nice view of the Manhattan skyline off in the distance.

Back on the bus, after a bit of a scrum getting on. Looks like Thanksgiving weekend travel overwhelms their logistics, though overall not as badly as it does Greyhound's. Leaving Baltimore now, about 50 minutes behind schedule.

At least the WiFi works!

Looking forward to reading your report, Susan...

Traffic is awful, sigh. We're only just approaching NYC, already two hours behind schedule. I'm not going to get home before midnight. On the bright side, I am not the one driving the New Jersey Turnpike in pouring rain and heavy traffic.

Quotes of the weekend:

"We've got gin!"

"The Dark Side needs deely-boppers."

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