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April 16, 2009


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I've read the others, and they haven't become too silly. Certainly far more intersting than Hamilton has managed to be, although the "continuing adventures of" format always has risks.

Hamilton has accomplished the unlikely feat of making me groan at the prospect of a kinky sex scene.

The one Hamilton book that I read made me laugh aloud with how ridiculous and telegraphed the kinky sex scenes are. I mean, seriously, a faerie who can heal wounds, but only if he licks the injury with his tongue? It's easy to see where THAT's going...

Well, in these books, vampire blood heals wounds, which does in fact come in as a plot point and as an, err, issue in a sex scene. I think I will not go into detail.

AJ... a faerie who can heal wounds, but only if he licks the injury with his tongue?

That reminds me of the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indy and Marion are on a ship with the Ark, and she starts kissing all the places where he has an ouchie spot.

AJ... This healick also reminds me of Clifford Simak's novel City, specifically the part it is revealed that genetically engineered dogs can heal people by licking them. Yes, it does sound disgusting, in this context.

It makes sense for a dog to heal people by licking them, since that's how dogs care for their own wounds (and why one of my corgis had to wear a cone collar for a week). But it doesn't really make any sense for a person.

We did have someone in our gaming group who made a character who could re-animate the dead... but only by licking them.

AJ... a character who could re-animate the dead... but only by licking them.


As for Simak's dogs, they were quite unusual. For one thing, they could speak. And speaking of talkative canines, did you ever read Stapledon's Sirius? That was a sad story.

I've never read Stapledon's Sirius. Is it a novel or short story?

The licking the dead thing was played for laughs, at least. Pretty much everything is in our gaming group.

AJ... "Sirius" is a novel, the story of a dog who acquires sentience and speech thru experiments that wind up being unable to create any other like him. A sad story.

It's extremely common in vampire fiction for there to be some degree of handwavium science about the powers of vampire saliva. It has a certain internal logic: once the vampire is finished drinking blood, the saliva helps the victim's blood clot quickly so they don't bleed to death. Some books explain that vampire saliva contains a special fast-clot enzyme or something. But I don't recall seeing vampire blood as the healing fluid on anything other than the macro level (drink vampire blood, be "healed" by turning into a vampire yourself).

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