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May 19, 2009


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What was Bucconneer's gigantic Aladdin group?

And here are the panels I'll be involved with at FiestaCon in Tempe, Arizona, during the July Fourth weekend. Eek.

I've posted about the ball in my LJ. Maybe it'll bring in one or two more.

Bill! *waves hi*

Enjoy the con and dance!

I've also posted something about this on my LJ.

I'll post a thing in my elljay, though I think the folk who read my journal and are coming to Balticon are, well, pretty much the folk who were going to that dance anyways.

And yay for Balticon! It is my favourite of all cons.


The Aladdin group, or maybe it was just a generic Arabian Nights thing, was just what it sounds like -- about fifteen people on stage doing their thing in fantasy-"Arabian" costumes. I was backstage as a workmanship judge at Bucky so I don't know the details of their skit. The costumes were pretty spiffy though. I think the leader of the group was the late Amanda Allen.

Thanks Bill, Serge, Sor!

I will have a Sooj CD for you at Balti and have something I need your opinion on as well. See you Friday night!

Yay cookies! Yay opinions! Yay Friday!!

Hoshit, that's tomorrow, I need to pack. >.<


Sounds like great fun, wish I could be there! I even have a neat steampunk pseudo-corset that I could wear to the ball with my bustle skirt. Guess I'll save it for FiestaCon.

AJ... I guess that answers my recent question about your going to FiestaCon.

*hums happily*

Well, I won't have my complete outfit, but my Hellbunny skirt has turned out very nicely and I'll have enough pieces ready to have fun looking vaguely Goth and vaguely Repo at the con. The major missing piece will be the crinoline, which I have mixed feelings about anyway, but can have ready for worldcon if I decide a crinoline-miniskirt is really something I can wear at my age.

(And apologies, Sor - the cookie-baking time got sacrificed to finish-the-skirt time. So, CD but no cookies.)

Susan... if I decide a crinoline-miniskirt is really something I can wear at my age

What about your age? Trying to make us mid-fifties types feel downright decrepit?

When I hear about crinolines, I think of superspy Rebecca, in The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, who, by the touch of a button, could turn her crinoline into a castlewall-climbing ladder.

In this case it's more like Gothic Lolita-style, which is not really my style. I am striving to overcome my association of short crinolines with frightening square dance costumes.

Square costumes for dancing?
("No. Square-dance costumes.")

Have a good time this weekend, Susan. We'll try not to trash Rixo while you're away. Besides, w've been hoarding tea for sipping while exchanging wit.

Hot Topic has all of these hideous crinoline mini-skirts in eye-searing colors. It made me very sad to go in there and see all that neon raver-girl wear instead of Goth dresses.

If I make one, it will be black on black on black.

What makes you think I'm offline? We had a hideous drive, but we're here now, and the hotel has very civilized free WiFi.

Susan... I didn't think you'd be offline. I figured it'd be like a couple of weeks ago. Then again, you spent a lot of that time up in the air, wifi-less, so you are right that there was no need to say we'd behave in your absence.

Hooray! Wild blog-wrecking party!

I have nothing intelligent to say as the last two weeks were the start of exams and my attempt to get as much knowledge into the pupils as possible seems to have drained it from me.

Not purple gingham on black?

(sorry, too sleepy to make links)

Edited by Susan: Link Fairy to the rescue: link

AJ... too sleepy to make links

Too much partying last night again?

(as the Link Fairy swings by to assist the sleepy)

Wow, that's an easy skirt to make, and the tulle-edge isn't even finished. Maybe I should consider selling on etsy!

I would not wear it myself, though. Too Lolita, not enough Goth. Of course, last night I wore what I have taken to calling the Pastel Pixie Steampunk, so who am I to talk?

I need more sleep; I had a weird visual of you attempting to get knowledge into your eyes using a funnel before I correctly parsed "pupils."

Last night's Steampunk Ball went fabulously well, and Balticon's film person is full of ideas on how to get Repo here next year, so I'm having a good con so far. And now the jacuzzi is calling me....

Speaking of steampunk and film... I've begun gathering JPGs for the slide-show part of my FiestaCon/WesterCon presentation.Got some neat things, but it's amazing how difficult it is to find large-sized photos from Disney's 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. Also, I still haven't come across much from 1958's Journey to the Center of the Earth. Not one single picture of Pat Boone surrounded by giant mushrooms, or of James Mason facing off giant iguanas. Well, there's still time and, if my search proves fruitless, I have a photo of the cast in a big bowl in Atlantis.

Susan, wrong link on the crinoline. Here.

Boy, is that ugly, and I like purple.

The way I do it is to run the film on a computer and use screen capture to make my own stills.

Sorry! Sleepy Link Fairy today!

Susan... Aren't the captured photos small though, or is that flexible along with the size of the movie-watching screen? Well, I'll look into it. Thanks for the tip.

Serge, that's me, a regular party animal! Nah, I had to get up early for a doctor's appointment and then stayed up late watching Quantum Leap DVDs with my husband. Another wild Friday night ;)

Susan, thank you for link faerie-ing, and I certainly can't complain, since I was also sleepy.

Also, Etsy is a popular place for that sort of clothing, as well as much nicer clothing (I got my awesome bustle skirt from an Etsy seller), but I don't know how well any of it sells.

Marilee, it was made by someone I know via Twitter. I like some of her stuff, but I really don't get the Gothic Lolita/Country Girl look.

AJ... I really don't get the Gothic Lolita/Country Girl look

Have you tried the Gothic Country look yet?

If knowledge goes anywhere in the face it's in the nose. Everyone knows that.

Neil... I thought that knowledge went in one ear, out the other.

I thought knowledge was taken orally, so you can more easily chew things over.

To mentally ruminate?

Nobody knows what a nose knows.

Not to distract from the survey of facial parts, but I wanted to point out to everyone that in an incredibly exciting moment yesterday I updated my post because I find myself on another panel that I hadn't known about before the convention.

I know the hordes of people who are reading Rixo from the hallways at Balticon will be just overwhelmed with joy by this amazing real-time update of what I'm up to this weekend.

(In other news: happy costumage yesterday, more to come today, neat stuff in masquerade, creepy vampire movie, Dr. Horrible, and YES, there will be pix post-con.)

Susan... YES, there will be pix post-con

Would you believe I was going to ask about that? As for surprise scheduling, I wonder if I'll get any of that at FiestaCon/WesterCon, besides the three I've already volunteered for. Hopefully my hordes of fan, or horde, or single fan, will have difficulties about whether to attend my panels or those of the competition.

It seems very fitting that the vampire panel is from 11-midnight :) Hope it goes well!

In the meantime, I'm having fun running around in my Repoid costume and my costume panel went pretty well.

lad to hear it, Susan.

I meant 'glad', not 'Vlad'.

Susan... running around in my Repoid costume

No Inventory Girl this time?
No matter what, I wish you a safe (and more pleasant) trip back.

I wore Inventory Girl on Saturday night. Raven wore her Gentern costume for a bit, so we coordinated.

All packed up, just waiting for my passengers before heading out into the frightening Memorial Day traffic. I'm not feeling super-social this morning so I'm not really at the con, just sitting around getting some food before getting on the road in hopes of getting home in time for my usual Monday night dance practice.

Fun weekend overall.

Susan... Fun weekend overall


I'm looking forward to the July 4th's con-going weekend, less than 6 weeks away, then, 4 weeks later, the worldcon. Yay!

Back safe. Excellent drive with minimal traffic, possibly due to our loudly discussing the sacrifice of a goat whenever it started to back up at all.


Glad you had fun and a safe trip home! Now you owe us a report with pictures!

Welcome home! Sounds like it was a great convention :)

I think I'll try the goat sacrifice tactic next time I go up to Phoenix and get stuck in traffic. Probably shouldn't try it when I go to NY and the FIL is driving us through the City, he thinks ill of me already.

You must tell me when you are coming to NY! I am very close to NYC; I go there at least once a month. We could have lunch!

To boldly goat...

Susan, that would be awesome! We'll probably be there for the second half of August (yes, husband wants to spend 2 weeks there. Not sure if he's considered what we'll do with the corgis for those two weeks), most of which will be spent on Long Island, and then a bit in Jersey. But we frequently go into NYC and I don't think it would be difficult for me to swing a lunch :)

Serge, upthread: I thought that knowledge went in one ear, out the other.

and later lad to hear it, Susan.

Serge, being a lad, has heard what we have to say, but then immediately forgotten it.

It's almost like it's not half term at all!

Happily, I have free time the second half of August. And my mom's in NJ and my father's often on LI in the summer, so meeting up should not be a problem. Let me know when you make your plans!

Neil... Serge, being a lad

A bit too old to be a lad, alas, say I to a lass who'd ask. Even older a lad than Richard Basehart was as Ishmael in Moby Dick.

Susan, I'll probably be looking into air fare within the next week or two, then it will just be a matter of finding out any dates the various in-laws have definite plans for us.

AJ, whereabouts on Long Island? I'm on Long Island.

Mary Aileen, my in-laws live in Westbury. Whereabouts are you?

Could this be the start of a mini-meetup for Rixo posters? :D

AJ... a mini-meetup for Rixo posters

I'm hoping there'll be one such event at the upcoming worldcon. I wonder if we could get some high-quality tea for sipping while we exchange wit.

I'm in Island Park. Between Long Beach and Oceanside, not far at all from Westbury.

Hmmm... I made a post last night, but TypePad must have eaten it. I believe my post went something like this:

Serge, I won't be at WorldCon, but I can definitely recommend some places to get good tea. I am such a tea addict.

Mary Aileen, I don't think I've ever been to Island Park*, but I'll trust you on its proximity to Westbury! I'm excited about the prospect of a lunch in August.

(Not that I can remember the names of half the places I've been to on LI. The MIL and I get out the phone book, look for bead stores, and set off on an adventure. I rarely know exactly where we're going)

AJ... I'm more a coffee person myself, but should I arrange a Rixo meeting, I'd make sure to ask you for tea recommendations.

Island Park is teeny-tiny. Even people who live near here have no idea where it is (or that it exists), which is why I specified the larger towns nearby. If I say it's just west of Jones Beach, does that help?

That does help, I've been to Jones Beach once. It was covered in jelly fish at the time, which might explain why I've never wanted to go back ;)

Oh, I've never actually been to Jones Beach. Long Beach is much closer and more accessible. :)

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