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May 31, 2009


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Sounds like a great evening's outing. Many of his comments are really smart, by being entertaining and informative. Had I remembered, I would have made the effort to attend....

Had I known you were in town I would have nagged you into it! My transcription just can't fully convey how funny a speaker he was.

"The Muse French kissing you."

At first I thought he had made up a Muse called French, then I realized what you meant. Don't you kids know about dashes?

Donald Sutherland is mean off screen too? How disappointing.

his metaphorical description of Buffy as waltzing (!) at the intersection of art, commerce, and culture

...which is what Shakespeare had to do and the results weren't too shabby. Or so I've heard. I wonder when the idea that True Art is (or must be) unsoiled by base commercial considerations became the prevalent attitude.

I was amused last week when I saw the name of the scriptwriter for Disney's 1973 movie The Island at the Top of the World.

John Whedon.
Joss's grandpapa.

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