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August 03, 2009


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You have to say "I will not be a moderator" and then if they make you one, not show up. Care to talk about what you have up at the business meeting? Of course, I may hear before you get to where you can answer.

The "Making the Web Eligible" proposal is something I have worked on, and while I think it's not going to be difficult to pass, I feel it important to be there to answer any objections. This amendment would make it clear that online works are eligible in several categories. In short (very short), websites would become eligible under "Best Related Work" (changed from "Book"), blogs would become eligible as fanzines, semi-pro blogs would become eligible as semi-prozines (if the category survives), and Editor-Short Form would include editing on the web. In the latter three categories, the primary change is adding an alternative to counting issues, which websites/blogs/etc. do not necessarily have in any discrete form.

Note that because I've been involved in pushing this amendment, should it pass, I will NOT accept nominations for Rixo in the fanzine category for some years, possibly ever, not that I think this is likely to be a problem on such a small and obscure blog. I didn't care for the unappetizing spectacle of book editors clamoring for a separate Hugo because they couldn't win one on their merits in the pre-split editor category, and I do not choose to appear as self-serving as they did.

(One may draw one's own conclusions about the motivations of, e.g., Patrick Nielsen Hayden in pushing both the Best Editor split and his behind-the-scenes push to make blogs fanzine-eligible. It's certainly convenient, shall we say, that it makes him eligible in yet another category after his immediate post-split win in the editor category.)

Yeah, as I was reading your first paragraph, I was thinking how you'd divide them. Days online? Links on the front page? Or formal "issues"? But I do think that's a good idea. There's too many good blogs out today.

I do have to tell you that I think PNH did the pushing for TNH, David Hartwell, and Kathryn Cramer.

See you around somehow, Susan. Somehow. Besides, I have your Dracula dvd. Bwahahahah!!!

Off topic, but there's a new Albus Severus chapter up: http://coyotegoth.livejournal.com/913045.html#cutid1

French SF&F in Europe

How did that go, Susan?

By the way, I've heard a few people wonder why they were on this or that panel. While I was waiting for my plane after the worldcon, I heard two women talk about that. One had originally been assigned a forensics panel because, in her interests, she had mentionned liking such shows on TV.

Also, Susan, how did that photo of me as a steampunk scientist come out? Meanwhile, Bill Heterodyne himself was with us and I can't believe I never thought of having the two of us photographed together.

Hm... looking at your panel list, I'm reminded that there's virtue to getting out of bed before noon... Ah well. Perhaps the next time ;)

xeger... there's virtue to getting out of bed before noon

Considering that I tend to wake up before 5am, does this make me extremely virtuous?

When I came home tonight, there was some mail for me. The latest issue of Locus, with a report on the worldcon and, in its center section, many photos, some from the masquerade. One of them is for "Twilight of the Gods" and you might recognize the tall person next to the red-garbed Egyptian divinity as yours truly. If you squint real hard.

When you play the Game of Thrones, you either win.. or die. Love that show. And the books, of cuorse. I'm almost done with Dance of Dragons, the latest installment.

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