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August 15, 2009


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firmly in the "read every word this woman wrote" category

I've pretty much put Ted Chiang in that category and expect that I'll be grabbing everything of his that Dark Carnival has, when I fly to the Bay Area in late September. As for Butler, I had never read anything by her for some reason, but I just added Fledgling to my look-for-this list.

...when I saw the heading, I was expecting this to be about a different book. (The next from Sharon Lee & Steve Miller is due out soon, and it's also titled Fledgling.)

Paul A.: So did I.

Also, how did I miss this entry for over a week? And why is the Dracula entry no longer on the sidebar? Life is full of little mysteries.

Mary Aileen... I think Susan posts those entries with the date on which she started working on them.

Serge: Aha! Much becomes clear.

I just bought Fledgling. Mind you, I already have lots of books so it may take some time before I get to it.

I've had Fledgling for five years, according to my bookbase, so I'll pull it from the to-read pile and read it next.

I must need a rest because yesterday a quick glance at the list of comments had me read the post's title as 'flagellation', while today it was 'flogging'.

Susan, I finished Fledgling last night and I would say that it's not only all a vampire novel, but the vampiric essence comes from many directions. We may be violently agreeing.

Serge, do you want us to wait until you read it befoe we discuss? Don't read my review today if spoilers bother you.

Please don't wait, Marilee. Go for it, and don't worry about spoilers.

Oh, good, someone else to discuss with!

Something I meant to stick in my post and managed to forget was how interesting it was to read this book when I'd recently reread Wen Spencer's A Brother's Price, which addresses issues of communal living and mate-sharing in a completely different way (it's basically a gender-flipped poly romance novel).

I find it interesting how Butler turns cultural issues and choices into biological imperatives and then follows the consequences out.

I thought she showed the vampiric influence all the way through not just by the biting, but how almost everybody wants something from everybody else. The issue of race was also writ large and you'd think that such a long-lived family would have noticed there wasn't that much difference because of color.

I have the SFBC omnibus of Spencer's Tinker and Wolf Rules, but not A Brother's Price. I'll put that on my wishlist -- I like her stuff. But I know a fair number of poly families in real life so the way the Ina are organized didn't surprise me.

Hmmm, apparently Spencer has a new book, Endless Blue.

Endless Blue was in fact the very first book I ever talked about on Rixo, way back when. I liked it well enough, didn't love it.

The first I read of Spencer's was the Alien Taste series, which I enjoyed, but not enough to keep, considering my limited bookshelves. It went to the Friends of the Library. That series also considers some unusual family-type relations.

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