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October 20, 2009


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Probably not something I'll read, since I prefer SF, but it does sound interesting.

I, like the author, cannot help but be impressed by the settlers themselves. Entire families picked themselves up and walked across a continent...

That reminds me of something my wife came across when she was doing some research about southern Arizona for a novel. If one wonders why someone would have wanted to settle in some of those places, apparently it was a case of their having had it with trekking across the harsh landscape and they weren't going to take one more step west.

Serge: I would (and do) emphasize that phrase differently: "...having had it...."

Mary Aileen... I blame English not being my native language. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking with it. Heheheh...

(Goodness, I'm tired. That Project of mine may be done, but I'm still recovering. Oh, and I have to monitor its deployment tonight AND monitor some unrelated database changes... Midnight oil, prepare to be burned. I guess I'll multitask and watch a Doctor Who DVD while this is going on... Exterminate! Ex-ter-mi-nate!!!)

Every time I drive across Southern AZ (which is pretty often, since I live here) in my air-conditioned car, I marvel at the fact that anyone ever crossed it on wagon, horseback, or foot. Even a car without AC is a brutal way to travel in the Summer.

AJ... Speaking of driving across southern Arizona, I think I showed you this photo before, but here it is anyway.

Serge, I actually hadn't seen that picture, and now I have this vision of Jesus bustin' out of the silver screen and rushing into the other auditorium to help the BPRD fight Lovecraftian demons.

AJ... A movie with that premise would not go over well with certain people, the same folks who clamored for the cancellation of 2006's TV series "The Book of Daniel".

I approve of that movie theatre.

I've driven across AZ and NM in the summer in a car with minimal to no AC. I survived. :) (This was the outbound leg of the trip that included driving through the Donner Pass on the return leg. I made a sort of weird, asymmetrical loop of the U.S.)

The Heart of the Sea is right here, visible in the bookshelf to my left as I write this; I really liked that book, and I don't think I'd ever seen anyone else mention it.

The one time I drove across Arizona on a trip from Las Vegas (where I was performing a wedding) down to Phoenix to visit a friend, I passed by a little roadside store which was labelled 'Nothing, Arizona'; sole population was the family running the store. I thought they missed an opportunity - they could have sold bumper stickers reading "I Stop At Nothing!"

I liked Indifferent Stars for exactly the same reasons I liked Heart of the Sea: the combination of horrific survival tale with loads of neat information about 19thc life. I suspect you likely would as well.

Somewhere in, I think, southern Utah is a highway labeled "The Loneliest Road in America." The billing was accurate; I don't think I saw another vehicle the whole time I was on it. Sitting sadly by the side of the highway was a single pay phone with a sign calling it "The Loneliest Phone in America." I didn't stop to see whether it worked. I wonder if they have cell phone coverage out there now.

When my wife and I moved from Canada to the US in January 1989, we drove all the way from Toronto to the Bay Area. That wasn't boring, what with all the different landscapes, some of which made me think of Mars in the early stages of terraformation. Still, there were long stretches of road with little in them, but not without some entertainment. I remember how, for 500 miles, I'd drive past billboards advertising the town of Winnemucca. When we finally drove thru that little town, I didn't quite understand what that all been about. A few years later, I read Armistead Maupin's More Tales of the City and went "Ahah!"

Susan, it doesn't have cannibalism, but you might like the book I just read.

"...since horror movies have unfortunate effects on my imagination..."

Nice to know I'm not the only person who feels that way. I can read almost anything, but visual images in movies will take over my dreams for weeks, in the worst possible ways.

I had nightmares as a child after seeing a rather cheesy B-movie about giant ants eating people and again after seeing the first Nightmare on Elm Street movie. And I had a LOT of trouble with Alien for years. I don't need further experiments to tell me what a bad idea scary movies are.

Nice to see you posting here!

Watching Forbidden Planet as a kid scared the crap out of me, especially the scene near the end in Morbius's house. They're looking outside into the night, and they know that something is going to come inside the house to kill them.

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