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October 29, 2009


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it's one of the best book-to-film translations I've ever seen

One of the best such translations I've come across was Stephen King's The Dead Zone although, as was the case for you here, I had seen the movie first, which starred Christopher Walken as Johnny. It went to the core of the story.

I was really really impressed by the movie.

The one long continuous underwater shot near the end of the movie (you know what I'm talking about) is a brilliant piece of cinematography.

The movie also shows you exactly what Eli is, but in a blink-and-you-missed-it way; I'm not sure I would have got it if I'd seen it in a theater where I could not rewind and frame-forward to be sure I'd just seen what I'd seen.

I'm planning to read the book as soon as I can get to it. I know pretty much what to expect from the AV Club discussion of it; I have a high tolerance for grim, gruesome, and warped if it's well done.

Right with you on all of this. I saw the film in a semipublic showing (at a convention) so I couldn't pause at that crucial moment; I may even have blinked. The book is quite explicit on the what and the how of it, though it does take its time before getting the information out. I'm glad I saw the film first.

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