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January 20, 2010


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I can't help with links to Facebook pages, but I posted about the ball on my blog. I wish you a great time, Susan!

we will do my "Airship Pirates" quadrille in its beginner-friendly version

That presumably mean that nobody will be hanging from the ceiling, unlike what we saw in that band's video.

Nope, this is fairly sedate and merely involves walking in kaleidoscopic (gear-like) patterns.

Thanks for the signal boost; anyone else with a LJ or blog or who participates in one with a lot of traffic, feel free to do the same. I'm donating my time, so more people makes no difference financially to me, but the more people the better for MS fundraising!

I'm hoping to be there. Still need to coordinate all the details, but I'm pretty sure I can make it. Should be fun.

You're welcome, Susan. I just posted a link to this on Facebook.

...and I see that Tania Clucas posted my link on her own Facebook page.

I just put a link to this post on Making Light, also pointing out that this was a fundraiser for research against MS.

Well, I'm arriving in downtown Baltimore right now via SteamBoltBus (I love me my Boltbus!)

Probably AFK until late tonight or tomorrow.

Cross your fingers that the new and even more exciting version of the Airship Pirates quadrille goes well!

Knock their socks off, Susan!
Just not while they're dancing.

Well, it's already late tonight, so I suppose it's too late for finger-crossing... but I hope it went well, and that much money was raised for MS research!

It went pretty well! Not as many people for dancing as I'd hoped, but we did a lot of it. Ended up doing more difficult version of Airship Pirates Quadrille, which went extremely well, but just for one set of experienced dancers. I got a few pictures, which I will process when I get home. I'll also be posting my playlist, since folks were interested.

My big red hat is a total pain to travel with. Just saying.

Ah yes, the giant Red Hat... By the way, do you have any photos of the two of us from after last year's Hugo Ceremonies, me wearing my steampunk-scientist outfit, and you with the aforementionned hat, which, when combined with the Repo boots, made you noticeably taller than me?

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