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January 16, 2010


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I've been reading "Echo" from the beginning and have enjoyed it from the word go, and I'm quite happy that, in spite of this being an independent comic-book, installments have been coming out pretty much once a month.

Did you read Strangers in Paradise as well?

Not yet, Susan, but I do have the first 3 volumes of the reprint paperback that came out last year.

Out of curiosity, do you read other comics? I don't think you do, but I want to make sure. I love the genre, but, amazingly, there are very few that I follow regularly. Maybe not so amazingly, because most of what I see out there just doesn't live up to its full potential. There are a couple of mainstream ones that I follow, but everything else is published by independents.

I don't read anything consistently since SiP ended (and I was reading that in the trade paperback editions rather than buying individual issues.) I just got a five-issue miniseries of Dracula that I am not terribly pleased with so far. Mostly I just back-collect older stuff that interests me. I liked Marvel before, but they managed to explode their universe so badly that I stopped reading it twenty years ago out of sheer irritation at constant alternate versions and crossovers and wars and reboots and all.

I do plan to get more of the Buffy continuation ("Season 8") comics once I finish watching the TV show.

I find that most of the comics I read are the one that remember that they are about Modern Mythology. For example, "Superman Returns" was very flawed, but it has a man who literally carries a world on his shoulders before falling back to Earth. I know, that's a movie, but... At the same time, while my preference is for larger-than-life-but-still-human comics, I don't mind those that poke fun at themselves: Atomic Robo had a monster from Out of Time take over Lovecraft in 1926, and come back in the 1970s, when it runs into Carl Sagan with a raygun.

That doesn't seem to fit with Echo, which is about a perfectly ordinary person. Even, maybe, a more-than-usually screwed up one.

True, Susan, but she has been put in an extraordinary situation. I should have referred to 'larger-than-life stories'.

Hi Susan, might I suggest Y the Last Man and Fables if you have not read them already.

I thought that "Strange Girl" was neat, although the ending felt rushed.

I am pondering a theory in which ordinary people in extraordinary situations is fairy tale more than myth. Valid model? Hmm.

Susan... Interesting point. On the other hand, such situations have happened in the real world - for example during WW2. Of course, this may simply indicate that someone who always considered himself/herself ordinary turned out to be anything but. Hmmm... Maybe I should have started this response by asking what meanings you attach to those words, instead of assuming that I knew what you intended for them to mean.

Yes, I'm rambling.

In which category should one put comic-book stories of extraordinary people who, as they deal with extraordinary situations, discover a new self? Doctor Strange, for example...

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