This weekend is the last of my Boston trips for awhile; as soon as I get some publicity materials finished and my costume packed I'm on the road for a Steampunk ball tonight and a waltz afternoon tomorrow, with a meeting with my band interspersed to do some planning. I'm hoping to squeeze sleep in there somewhere, too. I'm not running these events -- this weekend is a combination of dancing for fun and event-promotion for a ball which I'm frantically trying to get planned for the end of March.
To that end:
Does anyone who reads Rixo have enough of a passion for Sherlock Holmes to have a general familiarity with the canon and enough writing skill to do some short (one-paragraph) epistles in the style of Doyle/Watson in the next few days? If I had time to read heavily I could absorb some style by contagion, but (reality check) I don't right now, and it's been years since I've reread the stories, and I'm under omigodcrazy pressure to get a whole bunch of little blurbs written over the next week. We're not talking pages and pages; more like murder-mystery clues in pastiche form, the length of this post or shorter.
Any takers? I'm about to lose my mind here, and it occurred to me that this was something that could be delegated long-distance to pretty much anyone with some writing skill.
Sorry, I've never liked those stories so didn't read many and certainly not recently.
Posted by: Marilee J. Layman | February 27, 2010 at 05:36 PM
It's conceivable I could help. Tuesday my students take an exam which wipes out Monday and Tuesday. Sunday is free for a reread of whatever Holmes is lurking on my bookshelves, and I can write drafts on the train... it might work. Without too much modesty I'll say I can write a fair generic 19th century passage, so I ought to be able to put something suitable together if no one better turns up.
Posted by: Neil W | February 27, 2010 at 06:32 PM
I have dug out The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. Either write her or email me any details of what's needed.
Posted by: Neil W | February 27, 2010 at 07:04 PM
I wish I could help with that, Susan. Luckily, as mentionned above, Neil can write in a 19th-Century style, which reminds me that we haven't been treated to further tales of Major Squick or of Professor Lovebody.
Posted by: Serge | March 01, 2010 at 06:07 AM
If you still need any blurb help, I absorbed those stories wholesale in adolescence & could probably get the diction almost right. -JKM
Posted by: Jean | March 01, 2010 at 12:52 PM
...we haven't been treated to further tales of Major Squick or of Professor Lovebody.
True. I should look through the drafts and either fix them or ignore them and write some new.
(The only unseen Professor Lovebody story is Christmas themed and three-quarters finished. My intention is to keep it under wraps until December for obvious reasons. It involves, of course, Professor Lovebody losing his trousers)
Posted by: Neil W | March 11, 2010 at 04:31 PM
Professor Lovebody loses his trousers, thus showing off some Christmas ornaments? (Sorry. Been a long exhausting eweek.)
Posted by: Serge | March 12, 2010 at 01:57 AM