From the unpublished journals of J____ W______, M.D.
March 1, 188_
...after which unfortunate misadventure I arrived in his well-remembered chambers at a quarter to seven o'clock to find H_____ absent and an envelope to my address upon the mantel containing a card of invitation for a most unusual ball:
Eight o'clock P.M.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The honor of your presence is requested at
Saturday, March 27th
Pratt Hall
for an evening of Terpsichorean Delights in the company of
The most Bohemian citizens of London town, including
EXPLORERS, Actors, Mesmerists, Gamblers, INVENTORS,
Artists, Opera-Dancers, WRITERS, Adventuresses,
Military Gentlemen, American Expatriates, and POETS.
Fancy dress is Requested.
Absolute Discretion is assured to All in attendance.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is what I've been fussing over and trying to get publicity going on for the last couple of weeks: an 1880s Victorian Fancy Dress Ball with a subtle (and definitely non-copyright-infringing) Sherlock Holmes theme. I will be precepting the ball to the lively music of expert dance band Spare Parts.
This will be a fancy dress ball, meaning Victorian ball costumes -- not just evening dress, but dressing up as something/someone. I'll be posting a bunch of information about Victorian fancy dress on the ball site and may repost some of it on my dance history blog, Kickery, as well.
Advance registration for the ball is $25. $30 at the door, $15 for those 21 and under.
Full information about the ball is available on the ball website. Registration opens March 1st. I'd be thrilled to have any Rixo readers who are also dancers (or willing to try) or costumers there!
I can't come, and I wish it were otherwise, but I have nevertheless posted about it on my blog and on Facebook.
Posted by: Serge | March 05, 2010 at 08:46 AM
I can't make it either, but I wish I could. I used to live in New Haven, when I worked in North Haven, and it's a decent little city, by gum.
Posted by: Ginger | March 05, 2010 at 08:55 AM
I'm afraid I have the usual excuses: prior engagement, no bustle, Atlantic Ocean etc.
Posted by: Neil W | March 05, 2010 at 12:26 PM
Neil, I would happily loan you a bustle if you can take care of the other excuses ;) It's one-size-fits-all!
Sounds like an awesome event, wish it wasn't on the other end of the country from me. I hope it's a rousing success!
Posted by: AJ | March 05, 2010 at 07:00 PM