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March 01, 2010


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Nice outfit. I can see the creamsicle color, yes, but it would never have occurred to me to call you a dessert.

First of all, I think the idea of a steampunk creamsicle is utterly charming. But, then, I like creamsicles.

Buttered orange juice -- on analyzing the recipe, it's orange curd! Like lemon curd, but made somewhat lighter by the inclusion of the egg whites, instead of the all-yolk construction I know for lemon curd. (I use Hanne Blank's recipe.) It sounds worth making.

Yes, but they are pastels that look good on you! I can't wear that peach at all - does really bad things with the hair color.

You remind me that I really need to make a bustle for Steamposium, which I wish you were coming out for. I think you would enjoy it. Also, this is the year you get a token of appreciation for being my companion in mischief at k'zoo - are you in need of any specific jewelry pieces?

That photo of you reminds me that I haven't had orange sherbet in quite so time.

And I even knew where they were.

Shall wonders never cease?

I couldn't resist anymore. Today I bought a quart of Dreyer's orange cream sherbet.

When my friend Irene made it for a Regency tea, I asked suspiciously what it was and she said "a Regency creamsicle." The connection stuck in my head. Since I don't like either orange flavor or creamsicles, I haven't actually tried it.

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