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March 28, 2010


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One reason the 21st Century has been such a mess is because the Guy in Charge was an insecure overgrown teenager who went by an old-fashioned definition of what it means to be a Man, and who found himself wanting.

What old-fashioned definition of 'man'? You know, he's the biggest/loudest/meanest chimp in the group, and he has others submit to his will. A real man is not a victim, not even a potential victim.

Yes, I am being sarcastic about that kind of man.

I much prefer the kind of man played by Gregory Peck in the western "The Big Country": he knows who and what he is, and he doesn't feel that he has to prove it.

This is making me think of something Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance said on stage a few years back. As you probably know, the guys in MCR wear a lot of makeup and don't have a stereotypically manly-man presentation. This often led to mockery from teenage boys. Well, at one point, Gerard addressed the teenage boys in the audience, saying, "Yeah, I know, you're making fun of us up here, and you're only here because your girlfriends dragged you. If you don't like what we're doing, you can go wait out in the parking lot, and meanwhile your girlfriend's going to be in here screaming over ME. Think about it."

I wonder what effect THAT had on the teenage boys' sense of fragile masculinity?

Rikibeth... I shudder to think.

Notice that he says "our Marines" as if no Marines are gay.

One of my dance students tonight pointed out the obvious: under DADT, there are already plenty of gay Marines. They just don't admit it.

Kind of silly, eh, Susan? Mind you, 'silly' isn't really the word I'd like to use.

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