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March 06, 2010


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I am sad all over again that I will probably never get to outer space

Count yourself lucky, Susan. You were born at about the time the Space Age was winding down. Me, I was a teenager when Armstrong & Aldrin landed on the Moon, and Kubrick's movie was telling us that the Human Future in Space was around the corner. Things didn't quite work out that way.

I have a fair number of Haldeman books, including this one and its sequel, Starbound. I haven't read either of them, though, they're too far back in my to-read piles.

About the off-kilter structure of "Marsbound"... I wonder if he got more and more into the First Part's research, and got carried away, but still had to lead the plot to the heroine now being grown up.

Huh. For some reason, I thought it had a 2009 pub date.

Usually I'd have checked before reading, but I've been really sick.

I really liked The Forever War. Haven't kept up with his work since, though.

I'm not sure 'lucky' is precisely the term I'd apply to not getting to live through the excitement of space exploration.

That definitely was an exciting time to live thru, Susan, and an awesome Future was bound to happen. It's what followed, or rather what didn't follow, that had me make that earlier comment.

On the other hand... We've had probes land on Mars like beachballs. One of them - Sojourner, I think - contains a disk with the Planetary Society's complete membership, which included the name of yours truly.

The Planetary Society's Phoenix disk also contains some SF literature.

Marilee... What a coincidence that you should mention that. The disk is the very subject of Allen Steele's "The Emperor of Mars" in the latest Asimov's.

Yeah, I know. I read that Asimov's when it came. ;) I've heard Allen talk about it before, too.

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