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May 15, 2010


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Definitely sexist. They don't care if younger women get picked up, but younger men? I suppose you could twist it to say that they think younger women are smarter than younger men, but that's a lot of twisting.

Somehow this leaves me thinking about the Google corporate demographic...

Is there any way to spin this as anything other than blatant sexism?

I take it that this is a trick quesion.

xeger: Oh, that occurred to me. I do expect young male geeks -- especially wealthy ones -- would see nothing wrong with wealthy men looking for hot young women. They probably expect to be those wealthy older men later in life. And I expect Google has more young men than older women working there, and the young women it has probably don't anticipate growing up to be single older women looking for boy-toys. Young men are not a female fantasy the way young women are a male fantasy.

I myself have never quite understood the this whole thing about older women not being attractive to the younger male. Hell, My first date was 5 years older than me and married. Oh, and I had a bit of a crush on an 18-year-old when I was 14.

And just in time -- older men with younger wives have longer lives, but older women with younger husbands die sooner.

I am saddened at the plight of older males being ignored here. When we watch "Harold and Maud", we find ourselves thinking that Ruth Gordon isn't that old. And when we watch the 1930s version of "Hunchback of Notre Dame", tthe sight of 19-year-old Maureen O'Hara makes us feel like Dirty Old Men.

And I expect Google has more young men than older women working there, and the young women it has probably don't anticipate growing up to be single older women looking for boy-toys.

My sample of known google employees are both young males. Based on one of them, it could easily be complete self-absorbtion; if told to block out nonfamily safe sites, they might easily only block terms that come to their attention. Rather than judging young women/old men a-okay, they might completely ignore such relationships as outside their situation, then call it done and slope off for a coffee.

Still sexist of course.

Neil... When I read that, I'm almost glad I'm not so talented that people have to put up with my shortcomings and thus relieve me from the need to learn to be human.

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