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May 12, 2010


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I'm bummed that, when I went to the Bay Area, a few weks ago, I had to return home on the very weekend of a steampunk event being held there.

Lots of steampunk events!

I was telling someone I met online who a) liked dancing and b) was going to SWF that he should go to the Friday night ball!

But now he's not going. But hey, he's coming to World Steam Expo just down the street from me instead, so I'll get to meet him :)

Alas, no awesome Susan-led ball there. Instead, it's having a very pricey charity ball, and the charity is a Christian school. I'm balking at that one on many, many levels.

Nikki, that would bother me, too. I will, however, go to a Boy Scout dinner tomorrow and have donated auction items. His parents are good friends of mine and most of our bookgroup will be going. I figure he'll be too old to be a Boy Scout pretty soon.

Marilee... I've been told that grownup Boy Scouts become Marines.

Nikki: Um, yeah. Ewww.

The dancing went well, the etiquette talk went well. Now I am just hanging out taking pictures of random people and writing a ticked-off blog post.

LOL Serge! I doubt this one will. I didn't go to the dinner after all, I'm still having too much trouble eating and I don't want to be like that there.

...it's gone very quiet around here.

Paul A... Way too quiet. Maybe we should start rearranging the furniture.

Sorry. I've been enormously depressed, which exacerbates my tendency to write a draft of a post and then sit and stare at it. I'll try to polish them and release them into the wild soon, like BP cleaning pelicans.

Susan... Don't forget that le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. That being said, I wish you a much deserved good time at Balticon.

And some of the quietness is due to us being, um, quiet.

(I often find myself telling students that perfect is the enemy of good. Also that practice makes perfect. And that analysis preceds action; analysis perfects action. Coherent and consistent I am not)

Neil W... Which means that practice is the enemy of good too? Reminds me of the time I pointed out that a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, before asking if the stone would kill the two birds in the bush with one blow.

I recently came across a historical TV mystery series the first episode of which was almost steampunk. I talk about it here.

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