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June 14, 2010


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John, whose middle name instantly makes any reader of News of the Weird suspicious

I myself thought of John Wayne Bobbitt, who had had it bobbed.

It sounds interesting, so I checked the library catalog -- it's listed as YA!

Marilee: Probably because of the age of the protaganist. My library has it as adult, but about a third of the copies in the county are YA.

It does sound intriguing.

I suppose it's quaint of me think the book with the incest is fine for YA while the book with the violence doesn't even occur to me as YA.

Oooo, that sounds plenty excellent, and right up my alley (I *like* learning about sociopaths, especially 'good' ones). I will most certainly keep an eye out and see if I can get my hands on a copy sometime soon!


Speaking of "Dexter"... I quite liked the first series, with its showing a character who makes himself be human. Aftr that though, it turned into a soap, a dark kind of soap, but a soap nonetheless. Or am I the only person who feels that way?

Serge: I've never actually seen the show, but I've read enough about it to make the comparison. The book's protagonist is also making himself be human. It's fascinating to watch.

I read the first part of the book last night and will do another tonight, but may stop then. If you changed the names, it could be a prequel to Dexter and I think Dexter is better. It may just be my age, although I read a fair amount of books with teenage protagonists.

About page 100, things start to happen, so I'll finish this tonight.

I look forward to hearing what you think overall.

Well, I'm not going to read the next two books. It just wasn't quite as busy as I would have liked.

Fair enough. I don't watch TV so that may give me more tolerance for slow pacing.

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