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October 04, 2010


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"...I seem to post about them ridiculously often..."

Considering that this linked to something you posted in September 2009, I'd say that people attach different meanings to the word 'often'.


I have so many novels awaiting my peepers that it's ridiculous. That doesn't include the F/SF magazines I subscribe to, and my Nook's many tales.

Still, too many available words beats not enough of them.

Try the links for each individual word...

Unless I'm missing a word, September 2009 is still the most recent one.

One month a year is not usually counted as "ridiculously often".

2008: October and November
2009: three in September, one in October
2010: January, July, and this one

That's kind of ridiculous for one author, isn't it?

Got it, Susan.
That being said, there's nothing ridiculous about this.

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