Philcon is rapidly approaching, and I'm still dithering about the shape of my weekend.
Part of it is fairly fixed:
I will arrive early Friday after picking up a mysterious package and one or two passengers in New Jersey. I am feeling lame, so I will probably wear jeans and a slightly risqué t-shirt rather than bringing a costume.
I will spend all Friday afternoon and much of the evening running Program Ops, presumably once again in the Slightly Mauve room. Since the schedules went out on Monday, I will probably spend lots of time troubleshooting program issues along with the usual check-in routine.
At some point I will escape and go hit parties and maybe some filking. I am not on any program this year, so once I escape my time is my own. If Principal Speaker Peter S. Beagle is on any evening programming I will escape long enough to go to that. I often ignore programming and guests, but Beagle is a special case.
I will crash in a corner of Program Ops on the airbed I have thoughtfully supplied myself with. Saturday morning will be more of the same.
Early Saturday afternoon, I will head to Gettysburg, where I will run an 1860s-era ball all dressed up in my hoop skirt. I will be put up in style at the Gettysburg hotel and will be well paid for the whole experience.
Sunday morning, there will be brunch in Gettysburg. I will not need to dress up but might have to look respectable, so I will bring a dress or something.
At that point I will have decisions to make:
1. return to Philcon and see The Last Unicorn (film) with Peter S. Beagle commenting?
1a. end up in Brooklyn at Catherynne Valente's no-doubt overcrowded book release party?
1b. end up in Manhattan at the no-doubt overcrowded Steampunk event?
1c. avoid NYC like a sensible person and go home and get a good night's sleep
2. drive in the opposite direction to see a friend of mine in the last performance of a musical in which he stars, resulting in getting home at, optimistically, midnight after six more hours of driving?*
3. become screamingly anti-social and go straight home from Gettysburg
What do you think?
* Note: this is insane. That does not always stop me.
Since I am already insane, I would go for number 2. What's the musical?
Posted by: Carol Witt | November 19, 2010 at 12:56 AM
Jekyll & Hyde. Not a musical I would pay B'way prices for, shall we say, but $15 for a local production is more appropriate. And my friend is supposed to be really excellent. (This doesn't surprise me -- I've noticed his talent for years.)
On the other hand, how often do I get to hear from Peter S. Beagle?
Posted by: Susan de Guardiola | November 19, 2010 at 06:49 AM
John is indeed excellent in Jekyll & Hyde. I saw it on November 5 and he was just astonishing.
The rest of the cast is pretty great, too.
Posted by: Paul B. | November 19, 2010 at 01:15 PM
Eeek! Don't tell him I'm thinking of coming down. It's only a small chance, but if I do I want it to be a surprise.
Posted by: Susan de Guardiola | November 19, 2010 at 03:30 PM
What do you think?
I for one welcome the sight of slightly risqué t-shirts.
Posted by: Serge | November 19, 2010 at 03:47 PM
Having a good time at the con, Susan?
Posted by: Serge | November 20, 2010 at 02:06 AM
Hm. Well, it sounds like you should have a good time with either of those choices, so I suppose do what feels right to you at the time. Have a good weekend, wherever you go!
Posted by: Carol Witt | November 20, 2010 at 03:29 PM
Go for the crazy!!!
Posted by: xeger | November 20, 2010 at 09:23 PM
Xeger... Go for the crazy!!!
Cue in Patsy Cline.
Posted by: Serge | November 21, 2010 at 12:10 PM
So, did you come down for J&H?
Since I posted that reply from my sister's place in Maine, there wasn't much chance of my spilling that you were thinking of coming down. :D Back home now, though.
Posted by: Paul B. | November 23, 2010 at 12:04 AM