Brian Bedford's production of The Importance of Being Earnest is playing on Broadway! This is an excellent production which I saw at Stratford eighteen months ago and shared my thoughts on then. Bedford directs as well playing Lady Bracknell. The latter is not as unusual as it sounds -- the role has been played by male actors enough to make it something of a tradition. And this is not a drag portrayal; he's simply playing the part with his usual perfect comic timing.
Of the rest of the supporting cast, it looks like only Sara Topham (Gwendolyn Fairfax) made the transfer. But the Desmond Heeley sets and costumes (complete with Lady Bracknell's astonishing collection of hats) appear to have come along.
I highly, highly recommend this production. Bedford is a superb director of this sort of farcical drawing room comedy, and his Lady Bracknell is one for the ages.
If you can't possibly make the show, here's a video sample courtesy of The New York Times.