The New York Times has created a slideshow of 102 best in breed champions from the Westminster Dog Show, which takes place in New York City every winter. Aside from being an astonishing lesson in the possible genetic variety within a species, this also offers the chance for amateurs to take a look at the dogs and offer their own opinions. This isn't quite up there with the Super Bowl or the NCAA brackets, but some of the dogs have great possibilities. I'm not going to link to the picture of each winner, but you can see the whole slideshow here. (Left: a dog. No, really, it's a dog. Seriously.)
Here are my selections.
The Alternate Westminster Awards, 2011 Edition
Unusual Hair Division
Best Future In Macrame: Komondor
Cousin It Award: Lhasa Apso
Never Give Yourself A Mohawk Award: Lowchen
Bed Hair In Public Award: Otterhound
Honorary Taliban Facial Hair Award: Kerry Blue Terrier
Strangely Similar Division
Most Resembles A Cross Between A Tribble And A Ferret: Pekingese
Most Resembles A Pile Of Dreadlocks: Puli (shown above)
Most Resembles A Sheep: Bedlington Terrier
Most Resembles A Small Alien Being: Shih Tzu
Most Resembles A Long-Haired Version Of My Cat Audrey: Japanese Chin
Special Out-of-Division Awards
I Think This Is Sick In Cats Award: Smooth Dachshund
Feet Most Likely To Have Been Secretly Replaced By Wheels: Cocker Spaniel
Why Is Your Tail Like That? Award: Italian Greyhound
Play the Alternate Westminster Name Game!
All these dogs have a special registered name which I sincerely hope no one ever uses -- most of them seem to have nicknames as well. Some of the names are properly evocative: "Gaia Elfin Dance" is appropriate to the slender Greyhound, and "Germinale de la Brise" makes the Pyrenean Shepherd sound quite classy and French. Some of them appear to be advertising their personal prowess: the Bullmastiff called "Peerless I Am A Love Bug" and the Chow Chow "Liontame's 1-800-Hotstuff" presumably have a great future ahead in the hands of their breeders. But some of the names are a bit less well put together and make you wonder just what the owner was thinking. Or drinking. Can you match the name to the breed champion? Answers below!
1. American Staffordshire Terrier A. Castle Rock's Sbigstaff Mad About You
2. Bichon Frise B. Devils and Fairies Flesh for Fantasy
3. Finnish Spitz C. Firethorn And Sandpiper Easy On The Eyes
4. German Pinscher D. Hallmark Jolei Austin Powers
5. Glen of Imaal Terrier E. Lennox Love Susqudilla's Mini Cooper
6. Gordon Setter F. Mizen Duchas Dilis JH
7. Irish Red & White Setter G. My Thai Ta Sen Halleluiah Chorus
8. Lhasa Apso H. Pikkinokka Badgr Sir Barksalot
9. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retreiver I. Rainbow Springs Whicklow's Warrior of Ber-D-mar
10. Shih Tzu J. Saks Hamelot Little Drummer Boy
11. Staffordshire Bull Terrier K. Spirits Ceriinan Enebys Chevelle
Grand Champion What Were They Drinking Thinking? Exotic Name Award Winner
Black Russian Terrier: Peter Pervy Iz Russkoi Dianstii
Name Game Answers: 1-A, 2-J, 3-H, 4-K, 5-I, 6-C, 7-F, 8-G, 9-E, 10-D, 11-B