My insane schedule for Lunacon this weekend is below. It includes a nice mix of dance, costume, literary, and miscellaneous fun items, but how did I end up with about fifteen hours of program again?!? (Masquerade rehearsal, not publicly scheduled, is 4pm-8pm Saturday.)
In between all this, I will somehow be collecting books for the Science Fiction Outreach Project. Find me if you have books to donate! The best time to catch me with books or just to say hi is, as always, right after an item but not when there's another one coming right up.
Regency Ball, Fri 21:00 - Fri 23:00, Westchester Ballroom B
Susan de Guardiola (M)
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that dancing like Jane Austen is the way to spend Friday evening! No experience or partner necessary; all dances taught. Elegant costume (Regency or other) encouraged but not required.
What Are the Hugo Awards and Why You Should Care, Sat 10:00 - Sat 11:00, Westchester Ballroom A3
Neil Clarke, Susan de Guardiola, Arthur Hlavaty, Andrew Porter (M), Sharon Sbarsky
How the Hugo awards work, why you should nominate, all those other categories and what they mean, what’s good and eligible this year?
Making a Rope Corset, Sat 12:00 - Sat 13:00, Port Chester
Susan de Guardiola (M)
Part costuming, part performance art, part kinky fun, a rope corset must be remade each time it is worn, but the materials are cheap and they look impressive!
Waltz for Dummies, Sat 14:00 - Sat 15:00, Westchester Ballroom B
Susan de Guardiola (M)
Easy cross-step waltz moves for people who think they can't dance!
Masquerade, Sat 20:00 - Sat 22:00, Grand Ballroom North
Susan de Guardiola (MC), Bob Greenberger (Halftime), Sandy Swank (Director)
Costumers transform themselves into a dizzying array of science fiction and fantasy recreations and original concepts. Claim your seat early to see the opening act, Tribe Hamsa, and make sure you stay for Trailer Park, the halftime show!
Eye of Argon Reading, Sun 10:00 - Sun 11:00, Westchester Ballroom B
Susan de Guardiola, Genevieve Iseult Eldredge, Hildy Silverman, Michael Ventrella
Start your final day of Lunacon off right (wrong?) with the worst science fiction story ever with extra drama! Compete in reading this hilarious masterpiece of bad writing with a straight face! Vote our readers off the island and make them act out the story!
The Alternate Regency, Sun 11:00 - Sun 12:00, Birch
Byron Connell (M), Susan de Guardiola, Karin Rita Gastreich, Meredith Schwartz
From Sorcery and Cecilia to Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell to Temeraire to The Magicians and Mrs. Quint to Shades of Milk and Honey, the English Regency has had many notable fantasy novels set in it recently. What do they have in common; how do they differ (from each other and from alternate histories set in other eras) and why are so many of them focused on magic?
Ballroom Croquet, Sun 13:00 - Sun 14:00, Westchester Ballroom B
Susan de Guardiola (M)
What it says on the tin. Come play croquet in the ballroom. Adorable miniature sets provided. Flamingo optional.
Hoop Dance Jam, Sun 14:00 - Sun 15:00, Westchester Ballroom B
Susan de Guardiola (M)
Hula hooping, modern style, to music with a good hooping beat! Some hoops provided, but bring your own as well!
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