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August 20, 2012


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on March 21, 2011 Great post! I totally agree with you, Courtney, that WFC is one of the most valbaule things an aspiring writer (or non-aspiring already a professional) can do.The hotel bar is lots of fun and definitely, the personal contacts are the BOMB at WFC. Personally, though, I have had really great experiences at the panels. It completely depends on how much effort the programmers put in to ensuring that the right panelists are chosen and the moderators know their stuff. But I have learned a LOT at the panels. For instance, Peter Straub was on a panel at San Jose's WFC on his selections for the Library of America's American Fantastic Tales, and it was one of the most interesting discussions I'd heard in years. It was really a godsend, being able to hear a chat on some of the fairly obscure stuff I had been reading.I haven't done a whole lot of conferences or workshops, but I do wish I'd tried them at some point. I've had mixed results with critique groups but I think a lot can be gotten out of the kind of structure you describe it sounds awesome.Thanks again, great post!

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